News - Leaching electroproduct method of sodium sulfide


Sodium sulfide has some danger, but in some printing and dyeing industry, textile industry are indispensable part, pros and disadvantages, no matter performance again good products or equipment, will have their own disadvantages, sodium sulfide is no exception, it is corrosive, we in daily use, should pay attention to protect yourself. Let’s share some content about the leaching electroproduct method.

Due to the accumulation of sodium sulfate in the anode waste liquid, it affects the normal electroproduct operation and needs to be purified. Part of the anode liquid can be extracted regularly out for evaporation and concentration, crystallization of sodium sulfate based coagulation salt, further treatment can be sodium or as by-products.

The leaching slag contains 32% -35% lead, and the lead is still in chemical state. In fact, it is a relatively poor lead concentrate and can be treated alone or with lead-rich concentrate. The current treatment method is to refine lead in lead concentrate.

The advantages of this method are that using sodium sulfide as the leaching agent has good selectivity. In the leaching process of lead paving concentrate, antimony is dissolved and lead and silver are left in the leaching slag, and lead and antimony can be completely separated in one operation, and the atmospheric pollution of SO2 flue gas can be avoided.

The disadvantages of this method are: due to the complex concentrate composition, poor electroproduct index, low current efficiency (only 68% -70%), the antimony residue has high alkali content and low lead content (only 33% -38%), it is difficult to refine lead directly; in addition, the alkali consumption is too high, and the sodium sulfide per ton of cathode antimony is up to 1-1.3t. Because the above shortcomings can not be effectively solved, so although we have tried to use this method for production, built the test workshop, and even some factories tried to set up factories according to this method, but failed to produce. However, due to the thorough separation of the lead ladder at one time, all the associated metals in the concentrate are recovered, so it is still a kind of pollution-free metallurgical method worthy of deep research from the comprehensive utilization and elimination of sulfur smoke pollution.

Above is the introduction of the leaching electrode method of sodium sulfide. If you have any need or are interested in it, you can call our hotline for consultation. We will provide you with excellent performance products, which will not let you down

Post time: Aug-07-2023